Friday, February 7, 2014

blog assignment 4

  • How did the music industry attempt to curb illegal downloading and file sharing?
The music industry fought back against illegal downloading and file sharing with many lawsuits. The Supreme Court ruled that free music file-swapping was illegal and it went against music copyrights.

  • How did rock and roll significantly influence two mass media industries?
Early rock and roll was considered the first "integrationist music," merging the black sounds of rhythm and blues, gospel, and Robert Johnson's screeching blues guitar with the white influences of country, folk, and pop vocals. Rock and roll was also the first musical form to simultaneously transform the structure of sound recording and radio. Many social, cultural, economic, and political factors contributed to the growth of rock and roll.(page129)

  • Why does pop music continue to remain powerful today?
".. the biggest purveyor of pop is iTunes, which is also the biggest single seller of recorded music. The era of digital downloads has again made the single the dominant unit of music.. the dominance of singles has aided the reemergence of pop since songs with catchy hooks generate the most digital sales."(page142) Examples of pop music remaining powerful would be through the television shows such as American Idol, and Glee. Those shows keep all levels of pop music alive and powerful.

  • What companies control the bulk worldwide music production and distribution?
Three major music corporations remain. These three corporations are: Universal Music Group, Sony music entertainment, and Warner Music Group. These groups control 90% of the recording industry market in the US.

  • Do you think the Internet as a technology helps or hurts musical artists? Why do so many contemporary musicians differ in their opinions about the Internet?
I think that the internet as a technology both helps and hurts musical artists. I think that the internet as a technology helps the musical artists because it is a way to be noticed and to get known around the world. For example, people post videos on Facebook all the time. Those can be music videos. Also, a big promoter is YouTube. YouTube helps to discover many talented artists. I would say that the internet hurts contemporary musicians because many of these artists will lose money because people wont use iTunes and they will steal music. This is why many musicians would differ their opinions on the internet. 

  • Why was the development of the telegraph important in media history?
The development of the telegraph was important in media history because is was the precursor of radio technology. It was invented in the 1840s. This telegraph sent electrical impulses from a transmitter through a cable to a reception point. This allowed for the transmission of news and messages. This is the key to what started the emergence of many other technological advances in the media. 

  • How did broadcasting, unlike print media, come to be federally regulated?
Broadcasting came to be federally regulated because of the Radio Act of 1912 which addressed the problem of amateur radio operators increasingly cramming the airwaves. Radio waves were now considered to be collective property of all Americans, and you required a licence. 

  • What are the current ownership rules governing American radio?
Because of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, most of the rules are eliminated on radio and television ownership rules. Now they can have many radio stations without restrictions. 

  • Throughout the history of radio, why did the government encourage monopoly or oligopoly ownership of radio broadcasting?
The government encouraged a monopoly or oligopoly ownerships of radio broadcasting because they wanted to expand american technology throughout the world. Everyone would listen, and information would travel faster. 

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