Thursday, January 30, 2014

3rd blog assignment

1. How did the Internet originate? What role did the government play?

The internet originated as a military project. It was the first academic researchers to communicate on a network system. This broke down each message so that it would be more easier to route.

2.  Why did Google become such a force in Web searching?

The new algorithm that was invented was the reason why Google became such a force in Web searching. This algorithm calculated popularity. What was cool at the time.

3. What are the democratic possibilities of social media? How can social media aid political repression? Provide a current example in your answer.

Some democratic possibilities of the social media would be the right to speak openly. On the social media, you can express yourself 100%. You can say bascially anything you want. For example, people speak about many things on blogs. This accounts for freedom of speech. Social media can aid in political repression. In China the government system is very strict. There is limited freedom. For example, people in China are so closed in that certain things in history they can't even google.

4. Google’s corporate motto is “Don’t be evil.” Which of the four major digital corporations (Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook) seems to have the greatest tendency for evil? Why? Which seems to do the most good why?

The digital corporation that has the most tendency for evil would have to be facebook. Facebook has many aspects that can cause many problems. From facebook, people commit suicide, recieve depression disorders, and much more. Facebook is evil. For example, formspring was a part of facebook that caused many people to commit suicide. People used this because it was an anonymous was to talk about about someone.

6. Do you have any strong memories from playing early video games? To what extent did these games define your childhood?

My strongest memories from playing video games would have to be when I recieved DDR for christmas. My sister and I would play for hours and hours on end. I also played a lot of games with my bother on the playstation. Many games such as karyoke revolution, I played with my girl friends. This defined my childhood because our days revolved around these games. It brought us together as friends and together as a family.

7. What have you learned about video games?

I learned that the first video game was brought about it 1948. I also learned that the more technology that was brought about, the more video games were too. video games became a huge part of society.

8. Why do video games play such a large role in society? Are they good or bad for society? Please provide examples.

Video games play a huge role in society. In some ways they play a good role and in other ways they play a very bad role. For example, video games are a good thing to do with friends. Some video games are even educational for children. A bad thing about video games is that it takes over peoples lives. They consume their time with video games, and it may take away from adolecsents social skills. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Blog assignment 2

·         What are the key technological breakthroughs that accompanied the transition to the print and electronic eras? Why were these changes significant?

They key technological breakthroughs that accompanied the transition to the print and electronic eras are mass market innovation. The fact that a machine can duplicate copies of a book or newspaper made everything so much faster. There were also many cultural changes that came along with the print and electronic era. For example, the Protestant Reformation, and modern nationalism were cultural changes. Things became more unified and consolidated. Another technological breakthrough that accompanied the print and electronic era was the industrial revolution, and also modern capitalism. The industrial revolution brought about different classes of people such as the upper class, middle class, and lower class. Individualism became a new part of life. This was more of a value then a technological breakthrough, but it changed as a result of the era. Another major breakthrough that accompanied these eras was the information age. This started with the invention of the telegraph. The telegraph had a huge impact on life and society. This made communication on its own. it no longer went hand in hand with transportation. Information now had a price. The telegraph even led to later inventions and technological breakthroughs. For example, the radio, cell phone, fax machine, television, DVD, and many of the electronic items we use today, such as our smart phones. These changes are significant because without these breakthroughs life would be different. Things changed from farm, to industry. Cities came about. Life is about new inventions and change, without these breakthroughs we would be stagnant in time. 

·         What are the five steps in critical process? Which of these is most difficult and why?

The five steps in critical process are description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and engagement. The most difficult is interpretation because it demands answers. 

·         Why is the critical process important?

The critical process is important because you acquire more knowledge on different topics and also attain media literacy. Since you are gaining more and more knowledge and accumulate so many ideas, it leads you to be open to new thinking about the media. 

·         In looking at the history of pop culture, explain why newer and emerging forms of media seem to threaten status quo values.

Media culture has a great importance with modifying one's attitude, and awareness. This creates a different way of thinking about things. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Introduce yourself to the class

Hello, my name is Jacquelyn Roth, but most people call me either Jackie or Jack. I am from Long Island. I am majoring in Exercise Science and I am looking to do Physical Therapy. I usually use Google or sometimes I will be on Facebook. I also am on Netflix a lot. A social media platform that I have been on is WordPress. My favorite television show is either pretty little liars or gossip girl, but I am a big fan of NCIS. My favorite movie is probably the Notebook. Media culture seems very interesting to me, and will help to become a more well rounded person having more information about different areas in life. As a career I would love to end up being a physical therapist, but on the sports side of it, and incorporate strength and conditioning as well. Some hobbies of mine are soccer, exercise, and going to the beach. A fun fact about me is that I dyed my hair bleach blonde once. Another fun fact is that I will never do it again!